
Getting Started Building an Application with Spring Boot

We will delete the controllers because we do not want to expose the functionality of modifying our data anymore. Our users should be able to do that by interacting with our UI, and we will create new controllers to return the view components in the next section. Having references on both sides makes it possible to access the other side of the relationship (user object to reservation and vice versa). JPA queries follow a certain convention, and when we create the method that obeys the conventions, it will automatically know what data you want to retrieve, behind the scenes. If you don’t yet get it, do not worry, we will see examples.

This allows teams to work on different parts of an application simultaneously and deploy updates and new features more quickly. The next thing we’re gonna do is create a repository to access an Employee’s data from the database. The property spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto is used for database initialization. You will need to create a database named demo in MySQL, and change the spring.datasource.username & spring.datasource.password properties as per your MySQL installation.

Create JPA Entity – Employee

Suppose that you want to prevent unauthorized users from viewing the greeting page at /hello. As it is now, if visitors click the link on the home page, they see the greeting with no barriers to stop them. You need to add a barrier that forces the visitor to sign in before they can see that page. You will build a Spring MVC application that secures the page with a login form that is backed by a fixed list of users. The Employee object built from the save() operation is then wrapped using the EmployeeModelAssembler into an EntityModel object. Using the getRequiredLink() method, you can retrieve the Link created by the EmployeeModelAssembler with a SELF rel.

Without the builder pattern, we would either need to call a constructor with so many parameters or call the default constructor and write #properties code to call the setters. Lombok is an annotation processor spring boot lessons we can use to make our coding experience better by letting it generate code for us. When we annotate a class with @Getter and @Setter, it generates the getters and setters for each field of this class.

Develop REST Endpoints

We take an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries, so that you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration. It provides a convenient way of specifying the hierarchical configuration.

Spring Boot Tutorial

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